The Fraser Canyon Express

Summer Writing Contest  

       HEY Kids!! 


Make us laugh!


We want you to write a story that is so funny we will fall off our chairs! 

You can even win cash!! 


1st prize- $20

2nd prize- $15

3rd prize- $10


For kids aged 10- 16, contest ends Aug 31st, 2006


Send your story to: The Fraser Canyon Express,

SS#1 Boston Bar, BC

Stories must be typed (or very neatly printed on lined paper) and should be around three pages long ( about 1000 words).   Good luck!!

Happy Mother’s Day 2006

 1st prize- Erin Henricks, age 12

My mom is special because she cares a lot for me. She is special because she doesn’t want me to get hurt.  I think she is very special because she helps me with my homework because she doesn’t want me to fail. She is always helping me when I don’t understand things.  My mom is special because she has faith in me whenever I do things that are difficult.  She puts a roof over my head, she cooks and cleans and tries to make the house looking nice.  She tries to make me happy whenever I am sad.  My mom keeps me company when she thinks I am lonely. She pays for stuff that I need in my life.  She helped me get through a scary part of my life.  My mom is special because she wants me to go to school and get a job so I don’t end up on the street. My mom is really special because she does so much for me.


2nd Prize- Brianna Conkin- age 13

 My mom is special because she does so much for me.  She has put a roof over my head, she cooks, she clean sand she keeps my sisters, brothers and me healthy.  Most of all she loves us even when we are being rude.  Even if we were really poor I would still think she was special.  She helps me when I really need it.  If I am stuck on a question in math spelling or even reading, she will try and help and if she can’t she will get my dad to help.  She protects me from most of the dangers around me.  She is still special to me even when I am really mad at her.  She will always be there for me even if she is not physically with me.  From now on when my mom is tired or needs help, I will let her sleep or I will help her.  There are many more reasons why my mom is special but in order to list them I would need a lot of pages just to write them down,  so I picked the most important reasons why my mom is special and wrote about them.   


3rd prize- Danny Lackey- age 11

 My mom is special because she gives me all her love and care.   She gives up her money to buy me food.  My mom will help me with my homework. She drives me to my friends’.  Whenever she feels lonely I give her company.  My mom will never give up helping me, so my mom is really special to me.  If you see my mom anywhere in town, say something nice to her because she is a wonderful person.



Honourable mention- Kristin Campbell, age 11

 My mom is special because she knows how to make someone feel good when they are sad or mad.  She can help you out when no one else can.  My mom can handle things that my dad can’t.  She finds a way to make everything right.  She provides food to eat. She makes us say sorry when something is wrong.  She never yells at us because she is so calm.  My mom will protect me when I get hurt. She will always be there for me, forever.

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 seasonal contests !